- Duration of studies: 4 years
- Number of ECTS: 240 ESPB
- Title: Bachelor in design
- Scientific field: Art
- Narrow scientific field: Applied Arts and Design
- Forms of study: traditional (at the University) and online, via the Internet (e-learning)
In sociological, cultural, and aesthetic terms, fashion is becoming increasingly significant, visible, and expressive on a global level. It is well known that fashion has become one of the most popular yet highly demanding branches of the global industry. Its vast scope has allowed it to incorporate other important areas of applied arts, such as fashion and graphic design.
Thanks to fashion design, the functionality and aesthetics of clothing have reached a high level, making fashion one of the most attractive fields of design.
The fashion industry plays a crucial economic role in some European countries, such as Italy and France, and is rapidly gaining importance in many others. As a result, alongside traditional fashion techniques and materials, a growing number of new techniques are being utilized, giving fashion designers greater opportunities for aesthetic expression and market presence.
The Fashion Design program is designed for those who want to transform their interest in this applied art, as well as their creativity and talent, into visual forms that hold artistic value while also being applicable within the fashion industry and its diverse fields.
Students will gain an understanding of the importance of communication and critical thinking regarding the global fashion industry. The program is structured to be both challenging and inspiring, combining artistic, technical, and theoretical elements with a realistic approach to the fashion industry.
This program educates creative professionals in the fields of textiles and clothing. Through the development of creativity, students are trained for both individual and team-based work. Graduates in fashion design will be able to demonstrate knowledge in all aspects of fashion design, from fashion sketches and creating collections (both original and industrial) to computer applications in graphic and fashion design. They will also acquire hands-on skills in pattern making, tailoring, draping, and sewing.
Additionally, students will gain knowledge in fashion marketing, essential for successful market positioning. They will have the opportunity to explore career options in both fashion and graphic design through modern techniques and software. Students will also develop strong communication and critical thinking skills essential for navigating the global industry.
By completing the Fashion Design program, students will acquire the following skills:
- Creating fashion sketches, figurative illustrations, freehand fashion illustrations, and technical drawings of garments and accessories
- Producing garments and accessories using modeling, construction, draping, and sewing techniques
- Developing critical thinking and analytical approaches
- Designing and producing fashion collections for mass production and independent designer collections
- Creating textile solutions for fashion product development
- Executing fashion styling for print and other mass media, fashion publications, campaigns, and catalogs for presenting collections
Graduates of the Fashion Design program will be qualified to work independently or as part of a team in the following roles:
Fashion Designer
Mass Production Fashion Designer
Costume Designer (advertising, television, theater, etc.)
Technical Designer in Fashion Production
Art Director
Fashion Editor
Fashion Accessories Designer
Independent Fashion Designer
Fashion Stylist
Fashion Illustrator
Virtual Model Designer – 3D
Fashion Manager
Merchandiser (Brand Manager)
Product Manager
Production Manager
Unique Textile Designer
Buyer (Textile and Product Manager for a Specific Brand)
Marketing Manager in Fashion
PR and Event Manager in Fashion

AD101 Drawing and painting
The course objective is to educate independent visual artists as complex and free artistic personalities capable of independently engaging in artistic creation through a comprehensive theoretical and practical approach. The student is introduced to the fundamental elements of the drawing and painting process. The objective of the course is to develop students’ visual creativity and cultivate their visual perception. A specific aim of this course is to develop various forms of artistic expression skills. Course outcome: The student is able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in further artistic development of individual solutions. They continuously create their own artistic expression and perspective, integrating other media to design cycles of paintings, ambient installations, and solutions that explore and expand the possibilities of contemporary art, including both explored and unexplored avenues. The student has mastered the artistic fields of drawing and then painting, progressing from the stage of studious observation to the creation of fully realized works of art.
AD131 Fundamentals of Contemporary Clothing 1
The fundamentals of contemporary clothing aim to familiarize students with the basic techniques needed to create a fashion collection, from getting to know the proportions of a fashion figure (men’s, women’s, children’s), through the elaboration and definition of the initial idea and technical segments, to the final fashion creations. The objective of the course is for the student to master the basic fashion design techniques required for artistic and design expression so that they can continue their specialization.
AD114 Costume Design 1
The course objective is to familiarize students with the history of clothing from ancient times to the beginning of the twentieth century through lectures and practical tasks. Clothing items throughout the history of clothing are viewed in different stages of creation in an ideological, social and cultural context. The course objective is to follow the main trends in the historical movement of clothing items with key presentations of the various stages of development. The objective is also to get acquainted with the basic forms of clothing, as well as the transformation of individual pieces of clothing in relation to the development of society.
NT111 English 1
English 1 is a general English course at intermediate level. The aim of this course is to develop competence in grammar and vocabulary, as well as to develop and practice the following language skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing, translating and integrating the aforementioned skills. After passing the course NT111 English 1, the student will be able to: in the area of speech comprehension: respond adequately to oral messages related to activities in a general context, understand the message of short presentations, understand information about known contents, understand the essence of statements, draw conclusions after listening to an unknown shorter text; In the area of understanding a read text: read shorter texts written in standard language, understand the general meaning and supplementary information from the shorter text, understand shorter texts with different content; In the area of oral expression: participate in dialogues, exchange information and opinion with the interlocutor on general topics and interests, use English to communicate in a general context for 5 minutes; In the area of written expression: write notes, messages and letters in a reasoned and argumentative way, summarize a short text read or listen to on general topics and express their opinion, write electronic messages, text messages, participate in blog discussions at B1 level according to the Common European reference framework for languages.
AD102 Drawing 2
The course objective is to develop and upgrade the already acquired knowledge in the field of drawing. Through lectures and tutorials, the students will master drawing the human figure. The course consists of a theoretical and practical part. Through the theoretical part, students learn how to set up a composition, how to draw a model, in which ways they can set up a model for drawing, which techniques they can use, how to develop their imagination. In the practical part of the class, this knowledge is applied to concrete work, drawing models and drawing individual artistic challenges. After passing the exam, students will be able to apply this knowledge in all the design and art solutions that await them and will be able to solve composition problems, but also to introduce art into their design solutions and thereby raise the level and quality of their works.
AD132 Fundamentals of Contemporary Clothing 2
The course Fundamentals of Contemporary Clothing 2 aims to introduce students to the basics of fashion drawing, proportions of the fashion figure (male, female), basics of fashion illustration and presentation through specific art and drawing techniques used in fashion illustration. The course objective is to learn and use the basic principles and elements of contemporary clothing in an inventive and creative way. The objective is also for students to master the basic techniques in depicting the fashion figure, fashion accessories as well as the basic elements in clothing and to use them fluently in their artistic and design expression.
AD130 Anatomical Drawing
The course objective is to acquire basic knowledge about the anatomy of the human body, skeletal and muscular system. Through the study of the skeletal system, as the carrier, and the muscular system, as the mover of the human body, students gain an accurate idea of the proportion (of both individual parts and the whole body), volume and the way the human body functions in motion or at rest. The course objective is for students to acquire knowledge of precise drawing of the human figure.
NT112 English 2
English 2 is an upper intermediate level course of English – a combination of general English and the language of the profession. The aim of this course is to develop competence in grammar and vocabulary, as well as to develop and practice the skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing, translating and integrating the aforementioned skills. After passing the course NT112 English 2 students will be equipped to: In the field of speech understanding: Adequately react to oral messages related to activities in a general context, understand the message of longer presentations, understand information about known content, understand the essence of statements, draw conclusions after listening to unknown text; In the area of understanding a read text: Read shorter texts written in standard language, understand the general meaning and supplementary information from the text, understand longer texts of different content; In the area of oral expression: Participate in dialogues, exchange information and opinion with the interlocutor on general topics and interests, uses the English language for communication in a general context for a duration of 5 to 7 minutes; In the field of written expression: Write notes, messages and business letters in a reasoned and argumentative manner, summarize the text read or listened to on general topics and expresses one’s own opinion, write formal letters (applications for internships or scholarships), write electronic messages, text messages, participate in blog discussions at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
AD245 Tailoring and Sewing 1
The course objective is to introduce students to the basics of the theory of construction of clothing cuts, cutting and sewing of clothing items. The objective is for students to, through theory and practice, master the construction of basic cuts for the most important clothing items and their modeling, completion and production according to design and purpose requirements.
AD214 Costume Design 2
The course objective is to get acquainted with the history of clothing and the development of certain fashion styles, as well as the development of the work of certain fashion designers of the twentieth century. Additionally, the objective is to familiarize students with the basic social concepts and influences on the development of clothing in the daily life of certain social classes. The course objective is to study the making of clothing pieces in a theoretical sense, through various historical eras.
AD301 Introduction to Fashion Illustration
The course objective is to introduce students to the basics of fashion illustration and to develop a personal drawing style in the student by discovering new styles of fashion illustration. The course fashion illustration aims to enable the development of the student’s own recognizable fashion expression. At the same time, the objective is for students to cultivate motor and creative abilities during the exercises.
AD250 Digital Photography
The course objective is to equip students with the skills required to produce photographs in a technical and artistic sense, as well as to familiarize them with the possibilities of photography in a digital environment and different genres of photography. The student acquires the necessary practical knowledge about the use of digital devices for image recording, work in the studio and exterior, the use of light, composition and the possibilities of digital photo processing. Special attention is paid to the possibilities of applying photography in various areas of the commercial sector and art.
AD246 Tailoring and Sewing 2
The course objective is to continue working with students on the development of basic construction, modeling, completion and further improvement in the field of sewing men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and making fashion accessories. The program is designed to familiarize students with fabrics and knitwear and their characteristics through assignments. Also, the goal is for students to gain knowledge about standards and quality maintenance in the clothing industry and to familiarize themselves with modern programs, which enable easier and faster production of tailoring images, cuts and their grading.
AD241 Fashion Design 1
Fashion Design 1 introduces students to the basics of fashion illustration and its application in different media, as well as the creation and presentation of a designer’s professional fashion portfolio within fashion collections. The goal of the course is for students to master the basic techniques in the presentation of fashion collections, fashion details and to use them in their artistic and design expression.
NT216 English for Fashion Design
The course objective is to raise the level of professional English knowledge to the B2+/C1 level of the common European framework for living languages in the area of fashion design. In the course English for Fashion Design, students should establish the use of grammar at an upper intermediate level, expand general and especially professional vocabulary, practice their use in different language functions and improve and integrate all four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking
AD111 The History of Art in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
The course objective is to acquire knowledge about the origin, development and trends of art in the period from 500 BC to 1500 AD in the European and global geographical area. Special attention is paid on different forms of visual culture and visual identity that marked the ancient (Greek, Roman, Hellenic art), Byzantine, Jewish, Islamic and medieval culture of Western Europe. The goal is for students to acquire the ability to observe the artwork from the past not only within aesthetic norms, but also in an ideological, social, economic, political and gender context and to know the difference between pagan, Islamic and Christian iconography and style. In the art of the past, design students see inspiration for their future design work.
AD342 Fashion Design 2
The course objective is to familiarize students with specific topics on the basis of which author’s fashion and commercial collections are developed. The goal of the course is to improve students’ art and drawing literacy through drawing and collage inspiration. The aim of the course is for students to create realistic garments.
AD234 Textile Design 1
The course objective is to introduce students to the origins of the first textile fibers, textile materials, basics and history of textile design. Students gain knowledge about the composition of raw materials, types, methods of obtaining, processing and application of textile materials, as well as textile design in different eras. In addition to getting to know the materials, the practical part of the course includes tasks related to the introduction to textile design, starting from the basic principles, transposition of form and structure to the formation of rapport compositions that can be applied to textiles, and later in fashion design.
AD328 Clothing Design and Modeling 1
The course objective is introduce students with the basics of modeling men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, which fall into semi-heavy and heavy clothing. An important aspect of the course, in addition to the basic construction of clothing cuts, is modeling on a tailor’s mannequin. The course objective is to create a solution to a given model of clothing through modeling the cuts of the basic structure, which belong to mass commercial production. The goal of this course is for the student to be able to independently realize given model sketches and own models from the collection, which includes the basic construction, modeling and completion of all the cut parts of the garment.
AD110 Fundamentals of Graphic Design
The aim of the course is to guide the student towards understanding the elements and concepts of visual materials. The student should know his own affinities and discover the field of design in which they will improve. The course develops creative thinking and expression. The course studied aims to prepare the student for the adoption, integration, interpretation and application of modern theories of communication, media and semiotics in visual communication. The goal is for the student to understand the importance of language, media and art in the process of creating and analyzing visual material. The following topics are studied in the course: Basic theoretical knowledge of the principles of graphic design and familiarization with the work of the forerunners of graphic design; The principles of shaping visual identity and digital images; Introduction to Photoshop software and Photoshop tools: Grayscale, RGB, CMIK; Image correction and optimization; Basics of working with adjustment layers; Basic techniques of working with images; Image storage; Color adjustment; Verbalization – visualization of color; Familiarization with extensions and techniques for saving and storing files from graphic design.
AD376 Fashion Marketing
The course objective is to acquire knowledge in the field of fashion marketing and adequate application of acquired knowledge in practice, primarily in terms of understanding the importance and role of marketing in the fashion industry, as well as in terms of creating and sending adequate marketing messages to the environment by a specific fashion company, fashion brand and fashion entrepreneur.
AD376 Fashion Marketing
The course objective is to acquire knowledge in the field of fashion marketing and adequate application of acquired knowledge in practice, primarily in terms of understanding the importance and role of marketing in the fashion industry, as well as in terms of creating and sending adequate marketing messages to the environment by a specific fashion company, fashion brand and fashion entrepreneur.
AD343 Fashion Design 3
The course objective is to familiarize students with more advanced and demanding topics and principles on the basis of which fashion collections of author’s fashion, as well as fashion within the commercial collections of the textile industry, are elaborated. The objective is to master specific design skills, draping and deconstruction skills and their application in the design process. The goal of the course is that during the development of fashion collections, students continue to improve their art and drawing literacy through drawings and collages of inspiration. The main course objective is for students to translate more demanding topics and their ideas into realistic garments.
AD405 Fashion illustration
The Fashion Illustration course is an extension of the AD301 Introduction to Fashion Illustration course. The course objective is acquisition of knowledge of presenting fashion creations with art techniques in order to present personal ideas as successfully as possible. The course allows students to develop an understanding of fashion silhouettes, surfaces, colors, textures and shapes and present their ideas through various illustration techniques from freehand drawing to digital manipulations and collages.
AD428 Clothing Design and Modeling 2
The course objective is to master the skills of specific types of modeling and draping of men’s and women’s garments, which fall into semi-heavy and heavy clothing. The aim of the course is to create a solution for a given model of a garment or a cut part. In addition to the acquisition of modeling skills in a scale of 1: 5, the aim of the course is the acquisition of the skills of making modeled cuts in a scale of 1:1 and their realization according to the given sketch of the model. The objective is for students to be able to independently realize the given model sketches and their own models.
AD212 Art History of the Modern Era
The History of Art of the Modern Era course provides students with knowledge about the development and currents of European art and visual culture of the Modern Era, as well as Serbian art of this period. Students acquire basic knowledge about the function of visual culture, art and design in Renaissance, Mannerism, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassicism, Realism, Romanticism and Symbolism. The student learns how to correctly distinguish historical trends and key artists of the new age (15th-19th century), verbally express argued positions on the principles of art, write a seminar paper and present it independently. The student is equipped to recognize the aesthetic, but also the political, social and gender function of art and knows to use works from the historical artistic heritage in his design work as inspiration.
AD345 Fashion Design 4
The course objective is for students to apply previously acquired theoretical and technical knowledge through new and advanced topics and tasks. The aim of the course is to learn more advanced principles of developing collections within designer fashion and mass production. The main goal of the course is for students to produce realistic clothing items from more demanding creative solutions.
AD236 Textile techniques
Introduction to the historical development and application of textile techniques in clothing. Familiarization with the ways of making textile structures, as well as with the techniques applied on textile surfaces. Analysis of motifs on produced textiles. Application of motifs and techniques in fashion projects. Traditional and modern approach to the realization of textile structures and surfaces.
AD222 History of Modern and Contemporary Art
This course develops a critical attitude and knowledge about the trends and artists of art history at the end of the 19th and 20th centuries. Student can independently perceive the difference between artistic epochs and artists, as well as to independently write a textual narrative, and to use this important period of art history as inspiration in his design work. Students are trained to understand conceptual frameworks, as well as different languages of contemporary art; they have knowledge about the function of visual culture of the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the application of design narratives within the framework of contemporary society.
AD371 3D Fashion Design
The course objective is for students to learn to use “Marvelous Designer”, an intuitive tailoring application. The goal is for students to learn how to make complex clothes during the course. The goal is for students to learn properly how to create their own virtual fashion show with mannequins wearing clothes designed by the students themselves.
AD403 Fashion Accessories
The course objective is to prepare students for one of the most important and profitable branches of the fashion industry. The goal is for students to master the formation of a collection of fashion details, and the method of its creation within thematic and market fashion collections.
AD312 Packaging Design 2
The course includes the study of packaging line design for various products. The design of the packaging line includes the work on the design of each individual package within a specific packaging line, so the main emphasis is on unifying the design between different products and different forms of packaging (tubes, boxes, bottles, jars…) in order to achieve a unique whole of the entire packaging line. Creative thinking is developed through designing and creating visual content for all packages within the line for a specific product from the food and cosmetic industry that are intended for a specific target group. The innovativeness of packaging design in the technical and creative sense is encouraged through the creation of innovative forms of packaging and the design of concept solutions.
OM350 Entrepreneurship
The course objective is to master the basic theoretical and practical knowledge related to entrepreneurial business and small business. Defining the place and importance of entrepreneurial business within the overall business and the impact of entrepreneurship on economic and social development. The ability to explain and analyze trends in entrepreneurship, the perspective and importance of small business in the context of the development of the overall economy and society in general.
AD351 Fashion Techniques
The course objective is to introduce students to the ways of presenting fashion creations in all aspects of the fashion industry related to the media. The course objective is to provide students with the basic knowledge needed to design a visual presentation in accordance with the fashion collection and the presentation techniques of the fashion idea for the best possible promotion and visual communication of the creator’s fashion idea.
AD235 Textile Design 2
The course Textile Design 2 introduces students to the way of designing projects with a specific purpose. Through practical tasks and tutorials, students develop their creativity in textile design. The tasks are related to the application of design on certain textile materials such as fabrics, knits and non-woven materials that can be applied in the fashion industry. The formation of collections of designed fabrics, their implementation in fashion projects and creation of a portfolio represent the basis for further elaboration of fashion solutions and forms.
AD387 Portfolio in Fashion Design
The course objective is to fully prepare the student for the presentation of their creative work and master the skills in communication with the employer. Also, the goal is to train students to work in the fashion market within the framework of all the norms and requirements of the market values themselves.
MK230 Brand Management
Students get introduced to the basics of branding through the study of organizing and controlling the brand program as a basic element of the marketing mix, and master the control techniques and realization of the brand development program, acquire abilities and skills for brand placement. Students become familiar with the process of making strategic decisions within brand management, as well as the necessary internal and external research in order to create databases of information and solutions. Through practical examples, students acquire knowledge and applies it to his tasks.
MK485 Management of Special and Media events
The course objective is to acquaint students with the management of special and media events, as a science and profession; understanding and mastering basic techniques and methods of making business decisions in the complex conditions of preparation and organization of media and special events; mastering basic managerial knowledge and skills for the production and organization of special and media events while developing analytical thinking skills; detailed overview and understanding of the content, form and interconnection of the basic phases of the management process (planning, organizing, leading and controlling) of special and media events.
AD491 Professional Internship for Fashion Design
The objective of internship is to prepare students and ensure quality acquisition of more complex experience about their profession and work tasks for which they are trained. The program tasks are set in such a way that in the first phase they lead and enable familiarization with the work environment, organization profile, distribution of work tasks and insight into the content of activities, insight into the specifics of work at different workplaces. The following tasks are oriented to the involvement of students in projects of various types, scope and purposes, in their initial, development or final phase, as well as in their implementation from installation, training to maintenance. Students, through assisting in specific tasks, should get to know and accept work technology to the greatest extent possible, so that in the next phase they can start projects independently.
By looking at the work environment and specific work activities, students acquire new knowledge, safety at work and the possibility of integrating partially acquired knowledge and skills through previous studies. By working in a professionally oriented environment, broader experience is gained about the requirements of the specialty for which the student is preparing, enabling a quality assessment of the success of previous education and a clear assessment of the need for further training.
By fitting into the work environment as fully as possible, accepting work obligations and responsibilities, developing the ability to cooperate and work in a team, students complete and better understand those components of professional work, previously described in the dedicated study subjects.
AD495 Graduating Paper
Belgrade Metropolitan University – Traditional teaching and online teaching
STUDY PROGRAM | Annual tuition (traditional and online classes) | Discounted Price for the 1st Year of studies for Early Enrollment by March 31, 2025. | Advance payment of 20% upon registration | AMOUNT OF THE MONTHLY INSTALLMENT FOR THE PAYMENT MODEL OF THE REMAINING 11 INSTALLMENTS | ||
Faculty of Information Technology | ||||||
Information Technologies | 2.990 € | 2.691 € | 538.20 € | 195.71 € | ||
Software Engineering | 2.990 € | 2.691 € | 538.20 € | 195.71 € | ||
Game Development | 2.990 € | 2.691 € | 538.20 € | 195.71 € | ||
Faculty of Management | ||||||
Engineering and Operations Management | 2.490 € | 2.241 € | 448.20 € | 162.98 € | ||
Digital Business and Marketing | 2.490 € | 2.241 € | 448.20 € | 162.98 € | ||
Faculty of Digital Arts | ||||||
Graphic Design | 3.990 € | 3.591 € | 718.20 € | 261.16 € | ||
Interactive Media Design | 3.990 € | 3.591 € | 718.20 € | 261.16 € | ||
Fashion Design | 4.290 € | 3.861 € | 772.20 € | 280.80 € | ||
Faculty of Foreign Languages | ||||||
English with business | 2.290 € | 2.061 € | 412.20 € | 149.89 € |
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