PT&SCHE – “Introduction of part-time and short cycle studies in Serbia” (project number: 561868-EPP-1-2015-1-EE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP)
The Strategy on Education Development till 2020 in the Republic of Serbia identified the need for part-time (PT) and short cycle (SCHE) studies and the appropriate action plans were adopted. The project aims to implement these action plans needed for establishment of PT&SCHE studies in Serbia, by providing necessary and proven legislation framework. Project outcomes will contribute to accomplishment of Strategy’s goals, such as widening access to HE education, and making HE more relevant and adaptable to the labour market.
The project objectives are:
- To define the legal framework supporting the development and implementation of part-time (PT) studies and short cycle (SCHE) studies in higher education in Serbia, as there is no legislation for PT studies nor studies at the EQF Level 5 in Serbia. The proposed legislation framework will help authorities to realize two action plans specified for these studies in the Strategy on Education Development till 2020 in the Republic of Serbia.
- To adopt and develop online and face-to-face (F2F) learning methodologies and technologies for PT & SCHE, suitable for adults working students, expected to be the most interested for these studies.
- To set pilot implementations of five PT&SCHE online and face-to-face programs to test project outcomes. After one year of pilot implementation, an analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed legislation, adopted pedagogical and technological solutions will be generated, together with the guidelines to designers of PT & STHE studies based on gained experience
Realization of these objectives will enable PT & SCHE studies to provide opportunities to:
- employed students to upgrade their qualifications or to get new qualifications for better jobs, and to
- unemployed to get better opportunities to get new qualifications for jobs offered in the labour market, faster with SCHE studies, or without living their home towns, if they are without HEs, as they will be able to choose needed online PT studies.
Existing methodologies, technologies and best practices for PT and SCHE studies, in EHEA and EURASHE member countries will be analysed. Most suitable will be chosen to serve as a model for adoption and development of PT and SCHE studies in Serbia. Based on analyses and good practices the most suitable online and face-to-face learning methodologies and technologies for PT and SCHE studies will be adopt and developed.
Project consortium:
- Tallinn University, TLU
- The University Court of the University of Aberdeen, UNIABDN
- Open University of the Netherlands, OUNL
- University of Szeged, USZ
- Academia d.o.o., OE Višja strokovna šola, ACADEMIA
- University of Belgrade, UB
- University of Novi Sad, UNS
- University of Kragujevac, UNIKG
- Belgrade Metropolitan University, BMU
- School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of app. stud , VISER
- The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, MEST
- The National Council for Higher Education of Serbia, NCHES
- Conference of Universities of Serbia, CONUS
- IRVAS International d.o.o., IRVAS
The Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, BCC