The academic education capacity in the countries in the process of joining the EU should be improved in order to meet new needs and challenges in Europe. The project can contribute to this by means of enhancing the capacity building in the field of academic and professional education in the area of Safety & Security. Through project outcomes European “weak link” will be strengthen. Goals are sublimated in tree major deliverables:
D1: COURSES & STUDY MODULES – based on the Study Program in the area of Safety & Security successfully leaded by European Universities (Germany, Italy, France, Poland) will be included into curricula of Serbia’s universities.
D2: REGIONAL CENTER FOR TRAINING & EDUCATION IN THE AREA OF SAFETY & SECURITY (TESS) – creating a platform where Serbian’s students will be able to acquire experience in a practical way by attending workshops, simulation exercises including usage of the most advanced techniques & technologies in the area (agent-based modelling, data mining, web semantics, image processing, AI, interactive visualization, etc.).
D3: MODEL FOR THE OTHER UNIVERSITIES with results and experiences coming from the project (in line with the EU law regulations) which allow to organize trainings to improve quality of learning and ensure better preparedness for future specialists when dealing with natural and man-made disasters (including also industrial accidents).
The project intends to have profound impact not only onto the educational infrastructure in Serbia, but also onto the overall safety/ security situation and infrastructures ensuring it. It will be achieved primarily by: a) alignment with the EU practices and, b) including the most advanced state-of-the-art studies.
Intention is also to spread results in the region and to create room for education of the groups “with less opportunities”. New set of courses is expected to introduce new or substantially innovated modules or study programs particularly in the area of Health & Safety. This action tends to close educational gap in the sphere of Safety in Serbia.
Courses for application of ISO 18000 OHSAS and ISO 27000 (information security management) would be specially designed in cooperation with European partners because of complete lack of education in that field in Serbia. About 20% places in those two courses would be offered on the expense of Faculties to the unprivileged people like refugees or disabled (crippled) ones. This action is dedicated to close educational gaps and support previously disadvantaged population.
Improvements of courses in the field of Security and in particular for firefighting, flooding, protection of critical infrastructure, health security, antiterrorist security and governance of security is expected to elevate quality of education and skills of Serbian students onto European level.
Introduction of simulations, e-learning, distance learning, dedicated websites etc. would change educational and training content as well as pedagogical approach. Practical knowledge and skills will get more important role and lead to the improvement of overall capabilities.
Possibility to simulate real situations can also have impact on solution of real problems and improvements in legislation and infrastructure development.
Project consortium:
- The Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies
- University Educons
- University of Belgrade
- Metropolitan University
- University of Defence in Belgrade
- Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies Insitute doo
- Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
- The Main School of Fire Service
- Univesity of Stuttgart