Dual Higher Education (DHE) will enable students to acquire more relevant knowledge and skills by combining formal education with training acquired at the work place (internships). As a consequence, this will provide them with competences that are more in line with needs of companies, and they will get the opportunity to get jobs easier. In most cases, it is expected that they will get a job offer by the company that provided their internships. This will not only raise the motivation of students to study, but also raise the interest of companies to offer internships and scholarships to students practicing DHE.
In order to achieve these aims, the project needs to realize the following concrete objectives:
- To identify needs and specific requirements of companies in different industrial sectors and businesses for DHE and to find companies willing to participate in pilot implementations of DHE during the project;
- To develop a flexible and generic Dual Higher Education Model (DHEM) to support different needs and interests of employers, higher education institutions (HEIs) and students in different industrial and business sectors and to provide recommendations to HEIs for implementation of Dual Higher Education;
- To test the specific DHE models generated from the developed generic DHEM, by realizing their pilot implementations during the project and to analyse achieved results; and
- To propose changes to legislation/regulations to adapt Dual Higher Education in Republic of Serbia
The three main results of project are:
- Flexible and generic Dual Higher Education Model, developed aiming maximal effectiveness of collaboration between HE students, HEIs and companies in Serbia
- The legislative framework, needed for establishment of Dual Higher Education Model in Serbia
- Pilot implementations, needed to test proposed flexible Dual Higher Education Model with its variants.
Collaboration and synergy of pilot testing will provide a comprehensive analysis of the proposed concept of Dual Education in Serbia.
Project consortium:
- The University of Belgrade
- FH Joanneum Gesellschaft M.B.H
- Universitaty of Lleida
- Spoleczna Akademia Nauk
- PowMio
- Belgrade Metropolitan University
- University of Novi Sad
- University of Kragujevac
- State University of Novi Pazar
- Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
- National Council for Higher Education
- NiCat